Texas A&M AgriLife Research is the leading research and technology development agency in Texas for agriculture, natural resources, and the life sciences. Our discoveries will yield economic, environmental, and health benefits that are key to our state’s success and vital to the lives of its citizens.
Texas A&M AgriLife Research consistently ranks among the highest in the United States for agricultural research and conducts more than 500 agriculture, natural resources, and life sciences projects each year. Headquartered in College Station, we have a statewide presence.
Our IPaC team collaborates with AgriLife’s scientists and research staff on campus and at the 13 regional Texas A&M AgriLife Research Centers to manage the evaluation and commercialization of inventions. We work with companies to license results arising from Texas A&M AgriLife-supported research so that those results may be used to create new and improved products and services.
The portfolio of technologies we manage includes traditional innovations in agricultural fields such as plant varieties and germplasm, plant biotechnology, and diagnostics and therapies for animal health. However, there are also many other types of technologies within our portfolio, including but not limited to, novel treatments for rare diseases in human health, water treatment and conservation technologies, waste reduction/treatment, bioenergy, food and nutrition ingredients/products, and unmanned aerial systems.
We maintain over 200 active license agreements with over 150 companies around the world. These range from startups to Fortune 500 companies. We look forward to working with these existing and new companies to evaluate and license new technologies from Texas A&M AgriLife Research.
Types of Licenses
We accomplish our goals by helping you meet current needs and enter new markets. Through licensing, the transfer of AgriLife technologies to your company for commercialization is achieved.
Generally speaking, we deal with two types of license agreements:
Exclusive license agreements provide an exclusive right to commercially develop and market a technology created through research within AgriLife. Exclusive licenses are beneficial when the best opportunity for an invention is for a single company to bring the use of the technology to market. The exclusivity may be within a specific field of use, and may be worldwide, or it may be in specific regions or countries based on the market opportunity and company interest.
Nonexclusive license agreements allow us to license the same technology to more than one company. This type of contract is appropriate when the opportunity for widespread adoption of the technology is best accomplished by licensing to multiple companies.
Another type of agreement we enter into with companies is an option agreement. Option agreements allow companies the noncommercial right to evaluate the technology for application to its business and commercial opportunity. Nonexclusive agreements are generally short term agreements (6 months to 2 years depending on the technology), and they provide companies the opportunity to evaluate the technology before licensing.
Talk to Us
Contact us using the form below to let us know what types of technologies you are looking for or if you would like more information about technologies available for licensing.
Please also see our staff contacts to contact a licensing manager directly.